Improving Access To Minimally Invasive Abdominal Surgery By Eliminating The Need For Insufflation In Resource-Limited Settings

9 out of 10 people lack access to safe and affordable surgical care.
Pioneering Excellence in Gasless Laparoscopy Training
Whether you are a surgical association seeking professional development for your members or a hospital keen on elevating your team’s capabilities, we provide flexible training solutions. We extend our expertise worldwide, collaborating with hospitals, surgeon associations, and medical institutions.
We are at the forefront of transforming surgical practices. Specializing in gasless laparoscopy, our mission is to empower surgeons with advanced skills that transcend traditional boundaries. Backed by cutting-edge research, our comprehensive training programs delve into the clinical effectiveness of gasless laparoscopy across diverse abdominal procedures. We bridge the gap between theory and practice, ensuring surgeons acquire proficiency in this revolutionary technique.
Proven results
Tailored programs

Experienced Instructors
To advocate for GILLS as a safe alternative to using CO2 during laparoscopy.